Family Law Accredited Specialist
Our Principal Solicitor is an accredited specialist in family law. Call today to book your free initial appointment.
Public notary services 1300 148 110
Full range of notarial services
Quick turn around with low fees
Lawful in foreign jurisdictions
Experienced lawyers and
Public Notary
We verify your original document and issue a notarial certificate. This allows you to use the document internationally.
Our public notary signs a Power of Attorney that has been drafted pursuant to the legal requirements of your intended destination Country.
Our public notary issues a notarial certificate verifying the valid execution of a document, the current status of a business or company, or whether a person is alive.
Our lawyers can draft your affidavit, providing your evidence, with our public notary administering the oath or affirmation.
Your execution of a legal document can be witnessed by notary public who will formally certify your indentity.
Our public notary will authenticate and affix their notarial seal to your documents, enabling the documents to be used in foreign jurisdictions.
Come to one of our law offices in Blacktown or Parramatta, or ask about our mobile service where we come to you.
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Tell us about how we have helped you with our notarial services.
In additional to offering services as a public notary, we also provide a range of other legal services including famnily law, probate and estate planning (including the drafting of wills, power of attorney and enduring guardianship). Click on one of the links below to move to our specialist website.
Our Principal Solicitor is an accredited specialist in family law. Call today to book your free initial appointment.
Probate is the legal process for distributing a deceased person's estate to their heirs after settling any debts. We can assist you with obtain a grant of probate. Call one of our probate lawyers today.
A will is a legal document that specifies your directions regarding the distribution of your assets after your death.