Public Notary

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Public Notary

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Notary Public

Notarial services in Western Sydney

Public Notary

Full range of notarial services

Document certification

Quick turn around with low fees

Overseas legal documents

Lawful in foreign jurisdictions

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notarisation, legalisation, and apostille

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Public Notary

A Notary Public serves the public as an impartial witness in performing a variety of official fraud-deterrent acts related to the signing of important documents.

A Notary Public not only takes oaths, signs and witnesses documents for use within Australia, but also performs similar functions in respect of international documents for use outside Australia.

A Public Notaries' seals and signatures are officially recorded in a database held by the Austrllian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, a government department in Australia that is authorised to issue Apostille or Authentication Certificates certifying that signatures, seals or stamps of Public Notaries are genuine.


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Office of Public Notary

Servicing Blacktown, Parramatta and Western Sydney

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Additional services offered

In additional to offering services as a public notary, we also provide a range of other legal services including famnily law, probate and estate planning (including the drafting of wills, power of attorney and enduring guardianship). Click on one of the links below to move to our specialist website.

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Family Law Accredited Specialist

Our Principal Solicitor is an accredited specialist in family law. Call today to book your free initial appointment.

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Probate and deceased estates

Probate is the legal process for distributing a deceased person's estate to their heirs after settling any debts. We can assist you with obtain a grant of probate. Call one of our probate lawyers today.

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Will drafting and estate planning

A will is a legal document that specifies your directions regarding the distribution of your assets after your death.